Friday, 7 February 2025
Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic Fantasy Volume 9 & Elak of Atlantis Trilogy to be reviewed on Trevor Kennedy's Radio Show
Sunday, 19 January 2025
New banner for Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic Fantasy Public Group
Here is the new banner design for our Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic Fantasy Public Group on facebook, reflecting our full range of this particular genre of fantasy books from Parallel Universe Publications. Of course there will be at least two more in 2025 with volumes 10 and 11 of our anthology series, though there may be others in the pipeline! (More about these later.)
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Elak - Sea Hawks of Atlantis now published as a paperback and kindle ebook
We are delighted to announce that the final volume of Adrian Cole's Atlantis Trilogy, Elak - Sea Hawks of Atlantis is now available as a paperback and kindle eBook.
Each of the volumes is just over 300 pages, making a total of over 900 pages of riproaring adventures in the dark, sorcery-ridden empire of Atlantis.
Wednesday, 8 January 2025
Elak - Sea Hawks of Atlantis set to be pubished this week
The final volume of Adrian Cole's Atlantis Trilogy, Elak - Sea Hawks of Atlantis, is set to be pubished as a paperback later this week, followed by a kindle ebook version soon afterwards.
Friday, 3 January 2025
A viewing of '42, a new film by Eric Ian Steele in Oldham
My daughter, Cassandra and I were invited to attend a viewing of the latest film written and directed by Eric Ian Steele at the Hack in Oldham last night. '42 is an alternate history story set in Nazi occupied Britain. Please watch a trailer from the film below. Although created on a tight budget this is an impressively written and directed movie, with some intruigingly original plot twists. The uniforms, weapons and the action sequences were especially impressive, as was the developing relationship between the British prisoners being held for interrogation by the SS, which was pivotal to the storyline. All in all, an original and rewarding experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to watch this new movie.
Eric was kind enough beforehand to give us both a tour of the Hack, which is a huge four-storey building in the centre of Oldham dedicated to the creative arts. My daughter has her own theatrical studios in Hyndburn (ReAct Academy of Theatre Arts), so she was especially interested.
Parallel Universe Publications brought out a collection of Eric's stories several years ago. Nightscape is still available in paperback and as a kindle eBook.